
This rental Policy and User Agreement is entered in between Dismount Bike Shop and the individual or entity renting equipment, hereinafter referred to as the “Renter”. By renting from Dismount Bike Shop, the Renter agrees to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

1. Booking and Picking Up Rental

The booking is binding (even if made by telephone). Ideally, your equipment is picked up at the opening of the shop at 11am. Bookings can not be prorated, they are charged by the day and not the hour. If you show up to your booking late, you are still charged for the time that you booked for.

2. Cancellations

In case of cancellations, it is preferable that you cancel your booking within 24 hours before pick up of your rental is scheduled. Canceling within less than 24 hours will be subject to penalty equating to a percentage of your rental booking.

3. Security Deposit:

a. A security deposit is required at the discretion of Dismount Bike Shop.

b. The security deposit will be refunded to the Renter upon the safe and undamaged return of the bicycle.

4. Bicycle Maintenance:

a. The Renter is responsible for keeping the bicycle in good condition during the rental period.

b. The renter shall not make any alterations, modifications or repairs to the bicycle without the prior written consent of the Provider.

5. Loss or Theft:

a. The Renter is responsible for the bicycle during the rental period.

b. In the event of loss or theft, the Renter shall be liable for the cost of replacement or repair of the bicycle, as determined by Dismount Bike Shop. If the renter is under 18 years of age, the guardian is responsible.

6. Inspection of Equipment

a. All bikes are inspected before they are sent out for rental and it is the renter's responsibility to take care of the equipment and clean it after use.

b. Our workshop will inspect the rental equipment upon return and if they deem the equipment in need of either heavy cleaning, repair or even being beyond repair, the renter will be charged accordingly.

c. We realize that these are rentals and there is a normal amount of wear and tear that happens and this will be taken into account upon inspection during the return process.

7. Rental Returns

a. All rentals are to be picked up and returned to our St. Clair location within our shop hours.

Tuesday- Saturday 11am-6:30pm.

8. Try Before You Buy

 After each rental, renters will be given the option to purchase the equipment that they rented with the price of their rental discounted from the overall purchase price. 

9. Liability Waiver:

a. The Renter acknowledges that bicycling carries inherent risks, and the Renter assumes all responsibility for any injuries or damages that may occur during the rental period.

b. The Provider is not liable for any injuries or damages sustained by the Renter or third parties while using the bicycle.

10. Helmets and Safety:

a. The Renter is encouraged to wear a helmet and other safety gear while using the bicycle.

b. The Provider may provide helmets and safety gear for an additional fee, subject to availability.

11. Termination of Agreement:

a. The Provider reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and repossess the bicycle if the Renter breaches any terms and conditions outlined herein.

12. Governing Law:

a. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario.

13. Entire Agreement:

a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Renter and the Provider and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

By renting a bicycle from Dismount Bike Shop, the Renter acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.